- print(List<Result>) - Static method in class at.srfg.miner.clientlib.Results
Prints all results to System.out using the default result formatter.
- print(List<Result>, ResultFormatter) - Static method in class at.srfg.miner.clientlib.Results
Prints all results to System.out using the given formatter.
- print() - Method in class at.srfg.miner.clientlib.Scenario
Prints an XML representation of the scenario to System.out.
- print(OutputStream) - Method in class at.srfg.miner.clientlib.Scenario
Prints an XML representation of the scenario to the given Outputstream
- produce(String) - Method in class at.srfg.miner.clientlib.Action
Defines that the action's tool must produce the result called
- produce(String, String) - Method in class at.srfg.miner.clientlib.Action
Defines that the action's tool must produce the result called
with selector selector
- Proxy - Class in at.srfg.miner.clientlib
This class represents a MINER ToolProxy.